Zuster Young

Zuster Young
Zuster is Dutch for "sister", which is a title used for female missionaries.

Monday, May 25, 2015

What a mission has done to me...

Transfer Calls Verdict: I am taking over Gouda and my new companion will be Zr. Romney. (: I am really excited and nervous but I know this is what the Lord wants to happen. It's funny because I first met Zr. Romney on Pinterest before we came out... wonders of social media. Anywho I am super excited and know it will be a great transfer. We did Transfer Prophecies and mine was Isaiah 41:9-11 Well this week has gone by so darn fast I don't even know what to share about this week.... 1-Aurora is our 17 year old investigator and we got her on a Baptismal Date!! She is an incredible young woman and I am so excited to be able to keep working with her. Also the ward just loves her so that has been incredible to see the ward really involved in the missionary work. 2- Well I have been working and working and working... and sometimes a mission can be hard. It is stressful. Well Friday morning I wanted to do something crazy... I have been just going full speed ahead and I did something crazy. I called Zr. de Jonge and asked her to cut my hair. So its not a huge change but if you know me, cutting my hair is a life or death matter. So I got a hair cut. I just want to thank you all for the love and support that you give and show. Missions are not easy and every day is a battle to defend the truth and simply to keep going. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ gives us the strength to do more than we thought we could ever possibly do. When I feel in over my head, I just pray. Pray to the Lord, he is listening. I found my farewell talk and reread it this morning. The Lord has done all that he did for us, yet he doesn't have everything... He doesn't have YOU. Not until you are willing to align your life with his will. He loves each of us and knows how to help us move forward. I love you all dearly and pray you are safe and comforted. Have a great week! -- Zuster Young

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