Zuster Morgan Young's journey to the Belgium/Netherlands Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Zuster Young

Zuster is Dutch for "sister", which is a title used for female missionaries.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Yellow Shoe Trail
Howdy! Hope everyone had a great week! I heard that Ronda Rousey lost her first match this last weekend... dang. Her next opponent better be on the look out, she is gonna come ready to kill!
Well another week has come and gone... It is crazy how fast time is flying. I am officially "old" in the mission. Not the coolest feeling... but hey it is what it is. Alrighty what happened this week:
Spent P-day in Antwerpen with most the Elders and Sisters. Were very touristy and went to the best chocolate bar in the world. "There is more to life than chocolate, but not right now."
Transfer morning: Now the night before we just had a party with the Antwerpen sisters... if you know me the later it gets and the more tired I get... the weirder I get. So needless to say it made for an interesting night! But Transfer morning, my ultimate Four Man all sat around each other. We sang a hymn. Zr. Johanson and Zr. Faa sang "Walk Tall" the young women camp song. Let me tell you what, there was not a dry eye in the room. Our Four Man was being broken up... we had the most special transfer. I am walking away with 3 sisters, not just companions, but sisters. We all were being stretched and pulled in our own various ways. Together it was the hardest moments of our mission, our life. Yet, the most sacred moments. Never before have I been so close to my Father in Heaven. To have been side by side with my sisters, angels, fighting the good fight. Knowing the Lord was on our side. I know I can speak for all us when I say, last transfer we were torn down and by the end were walking away knowing that the Lord himself was building us back. With our heads held high we know the fight isn't over. There are dark days ahead, but we know who we are. And how special it was to have been transformed. It was sad to see Bradley go, but she is on to bigger and better things. This was a sacred transfer.
My new companion is Zr. Robbins.... my dream companion! No lies. Delisa Gallego, she is so much like you! Reminds me of you all the time! We have just laughed so much. Ridiculous! I am really excited for this transfer.
Turnhout- Where to even begin? I love this city and this Branch. I gave a talk yesterday, "Why am I a missionary?" I hope it was good. This branch is so full of amazing people. The Branch President got up and even called us his own children. Turnhout is 7 baptisms away from becoming a ward! So that is exciting. But Robbins and I have made it a goal to strengthen the members and reach out to less-actives. I am excited for the work and know that we have the support from the branch 100% behind us.
Well Saturday night we got checked on the bus by the Police... but we are legal so no worries! Fun fact for the week. I am legal.
9 Wees geduldig onder benauwingen, beschimp niet hen die u beschimpen. Bestuur uw huisgezin in zachtmoedigheid en wees standvastig. 10 Zie, Ik zeg u dat u een heelmeester voor de kerk zult zijn, maar niet voor de wereld, want die zal u niet aanvaarden. 11 Ga uws weegs, waarheen Ik ook wil, en het zal u door de Trooster worden gegeven wat u zult doen en waarheen u zult gaan. 12 Bid altijd, opdat u niet in verzoeking komt en uw loon u ontgaat.13 Wees getrouw tot het einde, en zie, Ik ben met u. Deze woorden zijn niet van een mens, noch van mensen, maar van Mij, ja, Jezus Christus, uw Verlosser, door de wil van de Vader. Amen. (De Leer en Verbonden 31) Ik kan belofte dat mijn zending is helemaal niet wat ik heb verwacht. Dit is ook de tijd voor mij beter te worden. Zoals Enos, "Ik knielde voor mijn Maker neer en ik riep hem aan in machtig gebed en smeking voor mijn eigen ziel (Enos 1:4). Altijd een antwoord komt. Hij kent mij. Ik ben in het juiste plek. "Ik ben een kind van God, door hem op aard gebracht. Hij heeft een veilig thuis en ouders lief bedacht. Ik ben een kind van God, toch voel ik mij heel klein; begrijpen wil ik heel zijn plan, een voorbeeld altijd zijn/ Ik ben een kind van God, Hij geeft mij toch zoveel, als ik maar leer zijn wil te doen, wordt zaligheid min deel." Daarom ben ik een zendeling.
Zuster Young
Catherdal In Antwerpen
Chocolate bar!
A member from Antwerpen is a train conductor!
Sometimes... you fall asleep during a prayer.
My new companion!
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